Cyclic Sighing Technique: A Simple and Effective Way to Reduce Anxiety with your Breath
Do you have trouble managing your anxiety? Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While psychotherapy and medication are common treatments, some people find that breathing techniques can be an effective way to manage symptoms without medication. A simple way to help is by using a breathing technique called cyclic sighing, which can effectively help reduce anxiety.
What is Cyclic Sighing?
Cyclic sighing is a breathing technique that involves taking a deep sigh followed by a short sigh followed by release for a period of several minutes. It can be used as a way to prevent feeling anxiety in current and future stressful situations, such as before an important meeting or a social event. The technique is easy to do and can be done anywhere and at any time.
Research shows that breathing techniques can be particularly effective for managing anxiety. A recent Stamford study was conducted to see how well different breathing techniques and mindfulness meditation helped with anxiety. The study found that the group that did cyclic sighing showed the most improvement in feeling happy and less anxious. This group also had a lower breathing rate (meaning a lower stress level) than the group that did mindfulness meditation.
How to use Cyclic Sighing
Image of a couple sitting next to each other on a couch laughing and looking at an ipad. This could portray someone seeking cyclic sighing breathwork for anxiety in New York. 10001, 10003, 11211
Cyclic Sighing is accessible no matter where you are and takes just 5 minutes to be effective. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to try cyclic sighing:
Set a timer for 5 minutes
Take a deep breath and fill your lungs completely
Take another shorter breath filling your lungs to capacity. It will be shorter than your first inhale
Release this breath through your nose
Repeat this process for the duration of the five minutes
Cyclic sighing can be an effective somatic therapy, meaning body based, for addressing anxiety. It is important to keep in mind, cyclic sighing should not replace seeing a doctor or a therapist. If you have severe or long-lasting anxiety, it's important to get professional help.
How to Start Improving Your Mental Health in NYC with Cyclic Sighing Breathwork
It can feel intimidating to think about getting started with breathwork if it’s not already part of your routine. The good thing is, there’s no wrong way to get started!
A good method to start is by using habit stacking. Habit stacking is a method for building new habits by attaching them to already established habits. Add 5 minutes of breathwork to the beginning of your exercise routine, 5 minutes before the start of your work day, or 5 minutes in the shower. For those who may need some support with accountability, consider working with a therapist who is aware of the benefits of breathwork for anxiety.
Consider Therapy for Anxiety in New York
Individual therapy can offer added support to deal with anxiety, stress, and overall mental wellbeing. Getting started with our New York City therapy practice is simple:
Meet with a skilled anxiety therapist
Begin feeling more balanced and grounded